Using the inclination values issued from an electronic level, the MARBRE software rebuilds a 3D image of the surface geometry according to the selected travel pattern.

This software enables you to gain full advantage of the high-grade precision and repeatability of the EDA 2000 electronic levels. Once installed on your computer and connected to the EDA 2300 metering unit, you are provided with a precise, reliable and robust measurement chain.


A user-friendly interface

Exemple Drapeau anglais 1

The measurement context is described: customer name, order id, operator name, targeted precision grade and standard.
The metered object is identified, the level and its bases are specified.

Data input is achieved on a line-by-line basis, freely selected by the operator. Line data may be edited and modified.

The inclination values are entered manually in full or automatically (activate a button on the screen or a pushbutton on a remote pendant).

A filtering feature of the measurement signal is also available.

Exemple Drapeau anglais 2

When the value acquisition is completed, overall and local flatness deviations are computed. The actual precision grade of the surface is assessed with respect to standard NFE 11-101.

The surface geometry is reconstructed, a 3D view of which is displayed. It may be zoomed and rotated.

An elevation map is also provided


A selection of travel patterns

The MARBRE software features several measuring patterns: « UK flag », « Grid », « Twist line », « Line », « Parallels » and « Ring ».

Exemple maille
Exemple ligne avec gauche
Twist line
Exemple parallèles
Parallel lines
Exemple couronne

Editing reports

Exemple rapport2
Report (1/2)
Exemple rapport1
Report (2/2)

Reports (Microsoft Word® documents) may be created by MARBRE specifically adapted to every pattern of measurement.

They sum up the measurements context information and data (inclination and elevation values, resulting precision grade) as well as the graphic images.

Report formatting (header, footer, layout) may be adapted to your requirements (Word® models files).


A demo version of the MARBRE software as well as its user manual are available in the download section.